MafiaTitans Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Secret cave


An excellent way to bring in lots of weapon chests is opening a secret cave that connects the backyard of your restaurant to Mexico. Nobody will notice it. A higher Cave level will guarantee more and faster chests!

You can earn diamonds, research points, cash, heroin ingredients and special equipment by closing deals in this business!

Once you reach a minimum level of 175, 40 million power and Secret Cave level 8, you can enter through the tunnel of the Secret Cave to Empire III (Mexico). By paying the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel, you can regularly use the Mexican Route through this tunnel.

Lvl.CapacityUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
2105 000 0001 day
32010 000 0002 days
43020 000 0003 days* TC Level 18
54030 000 0004 days
65045 000 0005 days* TC Level 19
76565 000 0006 days
88090 000 0008 days* TC Level 21
995120 000 00010 days
10120175 000 00012 days* TC Level 23
* TC = Transport Company


WeaponNameAttack powerDefence power
Military Jeep20 00030 000

Extra information

You can unlock the Secret Cave with 10 million cash! Chests will come within a random time span of up to 3 minutes. You will start with only 1 chest per drop, but upgrading it you can receive 3 chests simultaneously. The minimum droptime is 1 minute at highest level.

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