MafiaTitans Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Cargo Airstrip


Because your production of cocaine is too big to smuggle all of it through the tunnel only, this Cargo Airstrip is an excellent way to transport cocaine. More cargo airplanes will give you more and faster possibilities to send out cargo transports.

Lvl.CapacityTravel timeUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
1311 hours
2510 hours10 000 0002 daysSend 5 cargo transports *
359 hours20 000 0004 daysSend 10 cargo transports *
479 hours30 000 0005 daysCocaine Lab level 4
579 hours40 000 0006 daysSend 15 cargo transports *
698 hours50 000 0007 daysSend 20 cargo transports *
798 hours60 000 0008 daysCocaine Lab level 8
8118 hours70 000 0009 daysSend 30 cargo transports *
9118 hours80 000 00010 daysSend 40 cargo transports *
10137 hours100 000 00012 daysCocaine Lab level 12
11137 hours120 000 00014 daysSend 50 cargo transports *
12157 hours170 000 00016 daysSend 60 cargo transports *
13157 hours250 000 00018 daysCocaine Lab level 16
14176 hours320 000 00020 daysSend 70 cargo transports *
15176 hours390 000 00022 daysSend 80 cargo transports *
16196 hours460 000 00024 daysCocaine Lab level 18
17195 hours530 000 00025 daysSend 90 cargo transports *
18225 hours600 000 00026 daysSend 110 cargo transports *
19245 hours50028 daysCocaine Lab level 20
20303 hours2 00030 daysSend 140 cargo transports *

* Cargo Transports need to be exported on each previous level of the Airstrip. (example: If you need to deliver 20 cargo transports to upgrade to level 6, you will need to transport these at level 5.)

Cargo Airstrip Badge

Every now and then you will receive a weapon. Receiving weapons of all kinds at least once you complete de collection "Collect all Cargo Airship Weapons", which is worth 300 diamonds.

WeaponNameAttack powerDefence power
203A2 Grenade Launcher7 0005 000
Airsoft Laser Gun10 0007 000
Armored Truck10 00011 000
Automatic Grenade Launcher15 00011 000
M134 Minigun17 00015 000
Armored Drone26 00020 000
Self-propelled Mortar36 00026 000
Monstruo41 00032 000
Mortar48 00034 000
Predator60 00036 000

Extra information

You are able to unlock the Cargo Airstrip with 20 million cash once you reache Cocaine Lab level 1. More cargo airplanes will reduce waiting time between transports. A higher building level will also give better prizes. You can expect cash, diamonds, research points, weapons.

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