MafiaTitans Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Mexican Cartel Mansion


As a cartel leader, you need to run your organization firmly. A lot of work has to be done to keep your business safe and keep the competition out of the way. Here you can hire Mexican death squads to do the dirty work for you. After obtaining them, you can upgrade them and equip them with weapons.

Lvl.CapacityMafia powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
136 000 000
267 000 00050 000 0003 days
3107 500 00070 000 0004 days
4168 000 00090 000 0005 days
5248 500 000120 000 0007 daysReach level 270
6349 000 00065010 days
74610 000 000240 000 00011 daysCargo Airstrip level 14
86011 000 000280 000 00013 days
97612 000 000320 000 00015 days
108413 000 0002 00016 daysTransport Company level 28
119614 000 000380 000 00018 days
1210615 000 000460 000 00021 daysReach level 290
1312017 000 00090021 daysCargo Airstrip level 16
1414018 000 000540 000 00022 days
1516019 000 000600 000 00024 days
1618021 000 0002 50026 daysTransport Company level 30
1721022 000 000700 000 00028 days
1824024 000 0001 00030 days70 million power
1926025 000 000750 000 00030 daysCargo Airstrip level 18
2030028 000 0002 75030 days

Mexican death squads

Contracting each Mexican death squad at least once is part of the "All Mexican Death Squads" collection, which is worth 600 diamonds.

Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
17 0006 000
29 6258 2501 500 00030 minutes
312 25010 5002 000 0001 hour
414 87512 7502 750 0002 hours
517 50015 000603 hours
Special info: 30% attack + 30% defence extra on equipped weapon
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
19 0006 000
212 3758 2502 000 00030 minutes
315 75010 5002 500 0001 hour
419 12512 7503 400 0002 hours
522 50015 000753 hours
Special info: 30% attack + 20% defence extra on equipped weapon
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
111 0007 000
215 12512 3752 500 00030 minutes
319 25015 7503 000 0001 hour
423 37519 1254 000 0002 hours
527 50022 500803 hours
Special info: 40% attack + 20% defence extra on equipped weapon
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
114 0007 000
219 2509 6253 000 00030 minutes
324 50012 2503 500 0001 hour
429 75014 8754 300 0002 hours
535 00017 500853 hours
Special info: 40% attack + 30% defence extra on equipped weapon
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
116 0008 000
222 00011 0003 400 00030 minutes
328 00014 0003 900 0001 hour
434 00017 0004 700 0002 hours
540 00020 000903 hours
Special info: 50% attack + 40% defence extra on equipped weapon
The Undeath
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
117 00011 000
223 37515 1253 600 00030 minutes
329 75019 2504 300 0001 hour
436 12523 3755 300 0002 hours
542 50027 5001003 hours
Special info: 60% attack + 40% defence extra on equipped weapon
El Soldado
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
118 00012 000
224 75016 5004 000 00030 minutes
331 50021 0005 000 0001 hour
438 25025 5006 000 0002 hours
545 00030 0001153 hours
Special info: 40% attack + 60% defence extra on equipped weapon
El Zeta
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
120 00014 000
227 50019 2505 000 00030 minutes
335 50024 5005 750 0001 hour
442 50029 7506 800 0002 hours
550 00035 0001303 hours
Special info: 60% attack + 50% defence extra on equipped weapon
El Immortal
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
124 00013 000
233 00017 8756 000 00030 minutes
342 00022 7506 500 0001 hour
451 00027 6257 300 0002 hours
560 00032 5001353 hours
Special info: 60% attack + 60% defence extra on equipped weapon
El Chapo
Lvl.Attack powerDefence powerUpgrade costUpgrade timeUnlock
126 00014 000
235 75019 2506 500 00030 minutes
345 50024 5007 200 0001 hour
455 25029 7507 800 0002 hours
565 00035 0001403 hours
Special info: 70% attack + 70% defence extra on equipped weapon

Extra information

You are able to unlock the Mexican Cartel Mansion with 50 million cash once your Cargo Airstrip reaches level 11.

Extra information / researches

Here you can find your Mexican death squads. You can equip them with weapons or upgrade them. In a contract job in Mexico, you will often find weapons specifically made for these squads. If you combine the right weapon with the right squad, your squad will benefit from a lot of extra power.

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