MafiaTitans Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities



Your own restaurant — a great meeting place for your mafia connections. But also an excellent money laundering opportunity to hide extra illegal businesses!

Lvl.CapacityStock capacityUpgrade costUpgrade timeDeals
17 0001 000
218 0002 0002 000 00012 hours5
335 0003 0005 000 0001 day10
455 0004 0008 500 0002 days15
575 0005 00012 000 0003 days20
6100 0006 00015 000 0004 days25
7150 0008 00020 000 0005 days30
8210 00010 00025 000 0006 days35
9280 00012 00030 000 0007 days40
10370 00014 00040 000 0008 days45
11470 00016 00050 000 0008 days55
12600 00018 00060 000 0009 days65
13750 00021 00075 000 0009 days75
14900 00024 00090 000 00010 days85
151 100 00027 000110 000 00011 days95
161 350 00030 000130 000 00012 days110
171 650 00035 000160 000 00013 days125
182 000 00040 000190 000 00014 days140
192 500 00047 000240 000 00015 days160
203 200 00056 000300 000 00017 days185

Extra information

You are able to unlock this building with 5 000 000 cash, if you also have a Transport Company at level 16 or higher.

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